A Letter of Goodbye

‘Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I’ll miss you, until we meet again.’ – Anonymous.

To all of my beautiful family and friends,

On New Year’s Eve, I like to go and sit for five or ten minutes by myself outside whatever pub I happen to be getting pissed in and have a quick think about the year that has just gone by and the new year that is yet to come. I like to think about my achievements, any failures and just take a moment to pause and reflect and look forward. Then I go back inside and carry on drinking.

If someone had told me on New Year’s Eve 2013 that by October 2014, I would have packed in my job and the regular income, moved back (albeit briefly) to my parents and would be setting off for New Zealand I would have laughed in their face and told them not to be so silly. And yet, here I am, on my final night in the UK before departing tomorrow. I am doing it, I am going to New Zealand. I have three goodbyes left to go before I catch my plane and leave the country.

Goodbyes are both a blessing and a curse. They are wonderful because they make you appreciate all the fabulous people you have in your life who care about you and want the very best for you, and who support you on your mad adventure that is taking you halfway around the world. I have never felt so loved and supported than in the past few days, nor such a mixture of excitement, happiness to be finally going and sadness to be leaving behind my friends and family.

Goodbyes are horrible too. It’s upsetting and I hate crying in public (unless I’ve been drinking, when I couldn’t care less!). I was truly dreading the moment when I said goodbye to my parents and went to catch my train. It is almost a relief to have it over with – I will miss them horribly but in the grand scheme of things, our time apart will be fairly brief and before I know it, the hugs and the tears will be of welcome and happiness that I have come home again.

Over the past few weeks and months, since I told everyone I was going to New Zealand, I have felt overwhelmed by the support and love shown to me by my friends, family and, well, pretty much everyone who has known about my trip. My parents, who have always supported every decision I’ve made without question and this time has been no exception. My sisters, who are proud of me for leaving to go and see a bit of the world. All my friends, you know who you are, who have given me beautiful presents, cards, gotten drunk with me, cried with me, come and eaten ‘all you can eat’ Chinese with me, and who I know all fully support this trip. My friend who is letting me kip at hers on my final night in the UK and has made it a fab last night. My cousin who is coming with me to the airport. My fellow town councillors who provided me with a lovely evening of drinks and nibbles and great conversation and laughter. All my old work colleagues who gave me such amazing presents and who went all out on the buffet. One fellow town councillor in particular who, along with his wife, has given me fabulous support and advice from their time in NZ. My extended family who have been so supportive and wonderful about this trip.

The list is endless and I don’t want to drag it out. You are all wonderful, kind, generous people. I will miss every single one of you like crazy, and am already excited to see you when I get home. Have a wonderful year, all of you, and I will be messaging and speaking to you so often you won’t even notice I’m gone!! Thank you to all of you for everything. It means so much.

My next post will be coming once I’ve arrived. I will keep blogging as much as possible about my travels and hope everyone enjoys reading about my adventures as much as I am sure I will enjoy having them!

Until the next (hopefully less emotional) post then… All my love to everyone.

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